Manage stress, deal with anxiety, and prevent burnout.

I’m Neesha B., Life Coach & Educator, and I help women, tween, & teen girls learn how to live with the thoughts and emotions that can cause stress, anxiety, and burnout.

What I teach:

  • How to live with anxiety instead of struggling to control it.
  • How to choose effective stress management techniques.
  • How to develop psychological flexibility in order to deal with the challenges that women, pre-teen, and teenage girls face.

Areas Of Expertise

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed and just want to shut down and do nothing?

Do you sometimes wonder if you are burning out?

Mild to moderate stress and anxiety are a normal part of life, and a lot of the time it can be just a matter of finding the right strategies that work for you.

I can help you to explore and choose go-to stress management strategies that can help you de-stress and deal with day-to-day challenges such as overwhelm in the short term.

I can also help you develop a longer-term plan to manage stress and anxiety: a plan that centers your priorities and values so that you can meet your goals and achieve a greater sense of wellbeing.


One-to-One Coaching

One-to-one coaching sessions are available via Zoom as:

Educational Consulting

If you need help understanding your neurodiverse child’s learning profile, or need help navigating the school system, book a consultation to learn more about how I can help.

My Course

If you’d like to figure out what is truly important to you so that you can live by your values, my course, The Path to Happiness: Know Your Values is a great starting point.

Women pinching bridge of her nose, glasses in one hand, looking down at laptop on her table.

How To Deal with Anxiety

Suffering is a normal part of the universal human experience, and when we try to fight that, well, as Carl Jung is known for saying, “what you resist, persists.”

Sometimes the first step is to become aware of our resistance so that we can stop resisting, drop the struggle, and move towards learning more useful ways of dealing with our anxiety.

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Chart with 3 columns in blue, pink, purple, describing the similarities and differences between stress, anxiety, and burnout.

Some helpful definitions

We often use many of the terms related to stress, anxiety, and burnout interchangeably, and some of the symptoms overlap, so it can be helpful to spend some time understanding the similarities and differences between the 3 conditions.

Here is a description of stress vs anxiety vs burnout that may help.

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Teenage girl on the ground in a school hallway with her head on her knees face hidden.

The Kids Aren’t Alright

Can we maybe cut the kids some slack instead? Can we give them the love, support, and encouragement they need?

Parenting isn’t easy, but we do need to lead the way.

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