Tag: fear

Women pinching bridge of her nose, glasses in one hand, looking down at laptop on her table.
Neesha B.

How To Deal with Anxiety

Suffering is a normal part of the universal human experience, and when we try to fight that, well, as Carl Jung is known for saying, “what you resist, persists.”

Sometimes the first step is to become aware of our resistance so that we can stop resisting, drop the struggle, and move towards learning more useful ways of dealing with our anxiety.

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Chart with 3 columns in blue, pink, purple, describing the similarities and differences between stress, anxiety, and burnout.
Neesha B.

Some helpful definitions

We often use many of the terms related to stress, anxiety, and burnout interchangeably, and some of the symptoms overlap, so it can be helpful to spend some time understanding the similarities and differences between the 3 conditions.

Here is a description of stress vs anxiety vs burnout that may help.

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